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On behalf of Janet Murrells, our Treasurer, I would like to thank all those Civic Society members who have now paid their BCS subscriptions for 2018/19. May I remind those who wish to renew their membership, but have not yet done so, that payment is now due. The subscription this year is £10, which covers the whole household, not just an individual. You can pay by cash, by cheque payable to Buntingford Civic Society, or by internet bank transfer. For further information, contact the membership secretary, Peter Hay, at membership@buntingfordcivic.org.uk. Your membership subscriptions and the advertising revenue raised through the Buntingford Journal enable the Society to enhance the attractiveness of the Town and its surrounding area and to contribute to worthwhile projects across the community. On the last point above are there areas where you feel that the Town's attractiveness could be improved? Give this some thought and let me know. I obviously cannot guarantee that I can make all suggestions happen but it would be interesting to see what Journal readers thoughts are. If I receive enough responses I will publish the results in the next Journal and see how the Civic Society or other organisations may be able to help. The Civic Society are investigating organising a trip to London - either for the ceremony of the Keys at the Tower of London or a guided tour of Westminster Abbey. The trip would likely be in Autumn. Let me know if you would be interested such that we can get a view on numbers. Buntingford Town Council recently carried out a survey to judge residents views on poor parking particularly on footways and grass verges. The result of the survey was as follows: 447 responses to the survey (on line and hard copy) were received. The questions posed in the survey were: Q1. Do you think that there should be restrictions on vehicles parking on Footways within Buntingford? - 87% of responses were in favour of restrictions on footways. Q2. If you answered "Yes" to Q1, should offenders receive a PCN (Penalty Charge Notice)? - 91.5% were in favour of PCN's being issued. Q3. Do you think that there should be restrictions on vehicles parking on grassed verges within Buntingford? - 88.1% of responses were in favourof restrictions on grassed verges. Q4. If you answered "Yes" to Q3, should offenders receive a PCN (Penalty Charge Notice)? - 89.3% were in favour of PCN's being issued. At the Buntingford Town Council, Full Council meeting held on Thursday 31st May 2018, a resolution was passed unanimously stating "That this Council is minded to seek the introduction of enforcement of parking restrictions on pavements and grassed verges within the town". As such EHDC have been asked for informal talks to see how to take this forward. Finally as we enter our holiday period I would like to wish all readers safe travel and, hopefully, good weather. Graham Bonner, Chairman, Buntingford Civic Society If you have any queries about Buntingford Civic Society or issues you would like to raise, you can email the Chairman direct at chairman@buntingfordcivic.org.uk. |
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